Monday, November 29, 2010

Ipod Touch Leads To Heart Palpitations

color harmonies, what we feel better?

To find out which colors are best feeling we've decided to make a small entrance, to see if we can figure out the colors so that the better we feel, both makeup and clothes, as some colors may enhance our beauty and others however, can turn our face and we can even look sick, so here are a few small esquemitas.

soft harmonies are those among his hair, skin and eyes there is no shoulder, if you are brown hair, dark skin and have brown eyes, therefore, monochromatic colors you feel great, if you identify with this harmony test to dress in one color tone, you feel the green great!

If you like smoked're in luck, because you feel warm smoked very well, but watch dial too, blush color Peach will always give you a good looking, white did not help, so try neutral colors like brown, gray or black, rightly sure to wear garments of these tones.

clear .... If you go big eyes girl! Take advantage, as are the most appealing to your features, apart can use all the colors you want, because the contrasts between light and dark are the one you favor.

With these features are not go unnoticed, with dark eyes and hair so what stands out about you is your skin, so you have to give contrast to dark and intense colors, black if you're doing very well, but can be combined with dark brown or colors eggplant, if you are dramatic (I like to wear big accessories that go unnoticed) can combine with dark colors and stay cool!

The bright impress with its dominant feature, very clarita skin, eyes and hair is very clear, the theory says that you feel really good and pastel colors could never make a smoke, but for a time space for the night, if you could make you, provided you take it, because it goes well with red lips, if you do not look comfortable with them, better not wear them, you can also combine with a clear and dark browns above you are very good.

Keep in mind that you can not typecast in harmony, because if you put on a light and sandy you become warm. If you are warm and you get the dark hair you become clear, if it is true that all we do not feel good move of our harmony, we can be hit more luminous than hot or vice versa.

hoping not to have bundled a lot with this on harmonies Would you know to put you in one of them?


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