Friday, November 26, 2010

Old Aunt Jemiah Cookie Jar

Tomorrow I'm going to the field of Racing to see one of my favorite bands, so surely if I never until Monday or Tuesday do not worry, then I'll be safe in one corner regaining consciousness. But on Wednesday and I'm sure around here.

What band will I see? Rammstein. A German industrial metal band. When I was a brat who ate boogers and I met was 14 years old and this is the first time that I see, and with 21.

I leave you a video (Subtitulado me not to throw debris in the comments) with one of my favorite topics. If you already know what to say. I will say perhaps that is aggressive and that the letters are rare. But Damas Free, Judas and all those things you hear Insite Double the 'kid' to get high and steal kiosquitos. Rammstein insita to smell mines and run them on top of a bridge. You tell me.

PS: The video looks great and I cover the stuff on the side of the blog, but never mind. Now I'm in a hurry and I can not stay and fix it because I have to go for a swim. I do not smell so good.


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