Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Accessorize Leopard Print Dress

My life is like a tango

there something I never told them about the last job I did. The truth is something fun to have but always coming to this chair in front of this monitor (which certainly calls for immediate retirement) completely forgot this story today, just because I have come across the other protagonist of the story, I will begin to relate.

As you recall, in January I was working in an agency promoting tourism. My job was to annoy tourists. When tourists spent in front of the Garden Gallery I had to stop with my best poker face and offer city tours, trips to Tigre, horseback Temaiken and especially tango shows. This last was the most sought after by foreigners, who longed with all his heart to see the Argentine tango. It

fact, 99% of tourists per day stopping ignored me. Only 1% had access to listen and then go down with me the agency, where he was going good: I sold a tango show or a walk and I won the 5% commission. A truly sad but that was living, I'm not complaining, I gave my beautiful bucks.

At issue was me, standing there with one or two posters of tango shows and rides. Offered the 18 shows of tango in the city of Buenos Aires, and three or four of them were the most sought tourism. In particular one of them. One call concerned that "Tango Buenos Aires" because the name of this show I agree too. At that time I did not. Later understand why. Tango Buenos Aires

was the cheaper show offered by my agency and was complete: Transfer from the hotel, dinner, show, free drink, folklore and tango lesson free. I spent a month and some carrying the poster of the show without giving much importance to the people listed in the lineup for the viewer smiling, some with tango hat and suit, some with elegant dress and dark stockings and some other musical instruments. There was a face that seemed very familiar and one day, as she stood in the doorway of the gallery, my little firstborn who had stayed inside me forced me to run to the nearest restroom to drain the cargo.

So then I ran to the bathroom with the poster hand and not go into unpleasant details of what he had eaten breakfast that day and was driving that evening. But then the issue sat around waiting for the dizziness to go away. As I sat watching that face. I looked ... and that's when my brain clicked and I said "Ahhh ... was you!"

Remember that after several days me away from the blogosphere? The next door neighbor, whom I owe the opportunity to be sitting here today telling you this because it invites me to his wi fi (not by choice, it is clear) was the man who was greeting me in that bathroom that day from a poster . All this led me to think:

/ / The tourist wants to consume> Pupolina promotes Tango Buenos Aires> Pupolina convince tourists to consume Tango Buenos Aires> The tourist shopping> Tango Buenos Aires has publicly> My neighbor works in Buenos Aires Tango> My neighbor has publicly> My neighbor has more Jobs> my neighbor comes> my neighbor pays internet> Pupolina have internet / /

That is why I did not put the real name of a tango show. Imagine that one day my neighbor put to find information about your show and you learn that invites me wi fi. Some people prefer to do things from the heart. And as the heart is the symbol of love and love is blind he prefers to invite me without knowing about their little bit of wi fi. Ando


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